
Although established just recently in 2018. Temis lawyers was created as part of several combined efforts of it’s partnets and associates in order to satisfy up a long awaited claim by the many persons and companies seeking for a lawfirm which actually meets local and international standards. Unlike other lawfirms, Temis is not about the finance growth of it’s partners, but about the satisfaction of their clients and the ethics to work in the legal enviroment. Since many years ago, their partnets begun to realize the urgent need to establish a different and modern lawfirm, with different and modern values, we understand since the beggining that clients are our equals and are fully commited to ensure their satisfaction. This section will be rewritten once we hit our goals and establish new goals once the surrounding realities and our clients needs change.

Know us

Our law firm is composed by lawyers especialized in different areas of expertise focused to assist the private sector. Our lawyers integrate their experiences and knowedgles to provide a first and best quality service above the local average. This lawfirm, although recently established, brings the many years of experience of their partners and associates to a single team with the necesary coordination to obtain the best results as possible in each case.
Our firm is commited to treat every case in a single and special manner in order to ensure that clients receive personalized, fast, intelligent and efficient solutions to their needs.
Our lawyers move constantly into innovation and research in order to keep their clients up to date and ahead of the many changes occurring in the country and region. We ensure satisfaction by maintain our clients involved in any desicions as we consider our clients to be equal to us. Our priority will always be the satisfaction of our clients.

Our Values

– Respect: to our clients, our opponets, any third party and the enviroment.
– Research: the many changes in the legal enviroment and jurisprudence.
– Ethics: before approaching any situation and case, we consider the most ethic way to do it.
– Innovation: To modern ways and new approach to legal practice and social enviroment opening ourselves to any change.
– Responsiveness: Temis is fully aware that time is the essence for Clients. Therefore, we always strive for prompt, timely and successful solutions of their matters.
– Business Mindset and Ethics: Temis maximises the use of knowlwdge and experience integrated with business sense in our approach to Clients’ cases to work out legal advice and solutions most suitable to Clients’ business plans.

Goals, Mission and Vision

Our mission is to provide first and best quality consulting and representation services to our clients while ensuring their full satisfaction and best results based on our determination, efforts, expertise, knowledge and commitment to our job as attorneys.

Our vision is to become the biggest and most reputed lawfirm in Venezuela.

The following are some of our short, medium and long term goals:
– Establish our lawfirm as one of the most reputed firms locally.
– Get clients and third parties to know us better and consider us to any of their legal needs.
– Expand our offices by establishing branches in other cities and countries in the region.
– Establish a positive record of awards in court to increase our reputation.
– Contribute to the enviroment through a friendly and social exercise of our services.